「博李CFA」整理了2023年CFA一级考试考纲变化,如需要一表通(一个summary版本,一个by topic版本),请联系我们微信!
- CFA 一级课程结构修改为“学习模块”(LM)结构(而不是之前阅读(readings)结构)
- 每个 LM 都设计为在一个晚上的学习中完成
- 这些模块包含更多视觉效果、电子表格和真实内容
- 更新主题以反映当前的市场实践和研究模式
- 添加了三个新的学习模块(经济学 1 个,公司金融 2 个):
- LM 13 – 地缘政治概论 Introduction to Geopolitics
- LM 28 – 公司结构和所有权 Corporate Structures and Ownership
- LM 30 – 商业模式 Business Models
- 公司金融(4 个 LM)和投资组合管理(4 个 LM)的修订和更新
- 值得注意的是,“投资管理中的金融科技”读物现在包括有关 DeFi 和区块链的新内容
- 衍生品和另类投资分为小型 LM:分别为 10 个和 3 个 LM
- 2022 年的章节没有被删除,而只是被替换、重命名或更改为 LM
- 2023 年的一级课程中有 73 个 LM(2022 年为 60 个阅读章节)
- 然而,考虑到向 LM 的过渡,它们不具有可比性
- LM 仅在每个话题内排名
- 其他话题与去年相同,无变化
CFA 一级主题权重
与 2022 年相比,2023 年的 CFA 一级主题权重没有变化。
注意:早在 2021 年,CFA Institute 就将 CFA Level 1 的主题权重更改为一个范围,而不是前几年的绝对百分比。
CFA Level 1 Curriculum Changes: Summary
- CFA Level 1 program structure is revised to a “Learning Module” (LM) structure (instead of Readings)
- Each LM is designed to be completed in an evening of study
- The modules incorporate more visuals, spreadsheets, and realistic content
- Topics are updated to reflect current market practices and study patterns
- Three new learning modules are added (1 in Economics, 2 in Corporate Issuers):
- LM 13 – Introduction to Geopolitics
- LM 28 – Corporate Structures and Ownership
- LM 30 – Business Models
- Revisions and updates in Corporate Issuers (4 LMs) and Portfolio Management (4 LMs) *Notably, the “Fintech in Investment Management” reading now includes new content on DeFi and blockchain
- Derivatives and Alternative Investments are split into bite-sized LMs: 10 and 3 LMs, respectively
- No readings from 2022 were removed, but merely replaced, renamed or changed to LMs
- There are 73 LMs in 2023’s Level 1 Curriculum (vs. 60 readings in 2022)
- They are, however, not comparable given the transition to LMs
- LMs are only ranked within topics
- Other topics remain the same as last year’s
CFA Level 1 Topic Weights
There are NO changes to 2023’s CFA level 1 topic weights compared to 2022’s.
Note: Back in 2021, CFA Institute changed CFA Level 1’s topic weights to be a range rather than an absolute % as per previous years.
The CFA Institute (2023). Level I Curriculum: What Changed for 2023. Accessed on 03 January 2023: https://www.cfainstitute.org/programs/cfa/candidate/2023-level-i-curriculum-changes
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